From June 12 – 14, Norwex is running a special Flash Sale!
Celebrate Norwex’s 23rd birthday with 2 Days, and 2Ways to save.
Green EnviroCloth and Kitchen Scrub Cloth Flash Sale!
Get 1 green EnvrioCloth and Kitchen Scrub Cloth for only $24.97. A $6 savings!
[button href=”” primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Click Here To Buy[/button]
EnviroCloth, Kitchen Scrub Cloth & Window Cloth Flash Sale!
Get 1 green EnviroCloth, Kitchen Scrub Cloth, and a Window Cloth for only $36.97. Save $13!
[button href=”” primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Click Here To Buy[/button]
Offer valid until June 14, 2017 until noon CDT or while supplies last.