March 16-18 2021 Flash Sale

mar 2021 norwex flash sale

This flash sale give you 20% off of:

  • EnviroScrub, marine (Pack of 3)
  • Bathroom Cleaner

EnviroScrub, marine (Pack of 3)

Scrubby microfiber on one side removes sticky, gooey messes, and EnviroCloth® on the other easily wipes them away. Padded cloth is safe for all non-stick surfaces, including pots, pans, kitchen countertops, sinks, backsplashes, tiled walls and more!

Bathroom Cleaner

Bring your bathroom to a sparkling shine! Highly concentrated, biodegradable ingredients quickly and easily clean toilets, basins and most other hard surfaces in one application

Quantities are limited and products are available only while supplies last until noon, CT, March 18, 2021.

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