Is Norwex microfiber really a healthier, more effective bacteria and dirt removing alternative to those traditional cloths and chemical-laden cleaners you find in the grocery store aisles?
Jami Mark – Norwex Independent Consultant
Is Norwex microfiber really a healthier, more effective bacteria and dirt removing alternative to those traditional cloths and chemical-laden cleaners you find in the grocery store aisles?
What Is Microfiber?
So what exactly is microfiber? And why is it so great for cleaning?
The short answer, microfiber is a blend of ultra thin polyester and nylon fibers. This makes microfiber infinitely better for picking up debris than an average cotton rag.
How Is Norwex Microfiber Different?
The difference starts with the exceedingly fine nature of the proprietary fibers.
Each Norwex microfiber is 1/200th the size of a human hair. In comparison, the common microfiber is 1/6th.
Basically, it’s like comparing the quality of a 50 thread count bed sheet to a 500 thread count luxury linen. Not even close.
Just check out common microfiber cloth held to a light. It’s so thin, you can see right through it.

Compare that with a Norwex microfiber cloth, not even close. The extra heft in Norwex microfiber translates to an incredibly effective super dense cleaning tool.
Density Of Norwex Microfiber
These cloths are so dense that they collect even minute particles of dust and dirt, removing up to 99% of bacteria from a surface with water alone.
And so dense, it can hold up to seven times its weight in liquid. Perfect for wiping up spills.

Norwex BacLock Technology

Another Norwex standout, is the exclusive backlog technology.
This is a powerful micro silver agent that helps self-purify the wet cloth while it dries, inhibiting mold, fungus, and bacterial odors so you can use it again and again before laundering.
Norwex Microfiber Styles
This microfiber comes in a wide variety of styles, weaves, and textures for a wide variety of jobs.

The EnviroCloth is the most popular versatile microfiber.
This reusable eco-friendly cloth is extra thick to clean, well, everything. A go-to multipurpose tool that replaces all-purpose cleaners, and paper towels.
Window Cloth

This cloth is a silky tight flat weave for polishing glass, mirrors, and other surfaces that scratch easily.
Dusting Mitt

The Norwex dusting mitt features a plush terrycloth-like texture to reach into tiny nooks and crannies where dust hides.
Kitchen Cloths

Kitchen cloths are perfect for removing everything from spills to crumbs, to grease on kitchen surfaces.
And that’s just the beginning – there are many others to choose from.
Norwex microfiber, a clean home, a clean conscience.