Check out the October customer specials from Norwex!

Guest Room Ready

- EnviroCloth® Red “Little Red Cloth”
- Mattress Cleaner
Bathroom BFFs

- Bathroom Scrub Mitt, graphite
- Descaler
Enjoy the Meal, Not the Mess

- Napkins Recycled, leaf pattern (set of 4)
- Napkins Recycled, peacock (set of 4)
Orders must be received in the Home Office from noon, CDT, October 1 through noon, CDT, November 1, 2019.
Note: Products and colors in packages are predetermined and may vary based on inventory availability. *When you spend $120. The “Spend” counts toward Host Rewards and Subtotal A Sales. Limit one per qualified Customer, Web, Personal Supply and Bulk / Party Order. Not available on Shopping Spree Orders.