Send Them Back To School With Confidence

I have always loved school supply shopping!

New crayons that are perfect and colored coordinated, new freshly-sharpened pencils, brand new back-packs and lunch boxes; it was was so much fun to have new items for school.

If you are like me, you have noticed that over the past 10 years school supplies have started to include disinfectant wipes.

I never even gave it a thought, and even as a former teacher, I was a disinfectant wipe queen!

Now, after joining Norwex, I have learned so much more about disinfectant wipes and have discovered the unfortunate downsides to these quick, clean-up cloths.

Disinfectant Wipes Are Not The Only Option For Schools

I could list all the negatives, including, the harmful chemicals that “clean” your child’s desk before eating lunch on that very “clean” surface. Yuck! Talk about a chemical cookie!

But don’t fear, I have great news!

You can still have a quick clean-up for the classroom WITHOUT the chemicals and still have the surface 99.9% free of bacteria, (when used correctly) with the Norwex EnviroCloth!


[button href=”” primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Norwex EnviroCloth – $17.99[/button]

Reducing Chemicals In Our Schools

Do yourself a favor and save the money you would spend on harmful, chemical-filled, landfill wipes and invest in an Enviro Cloth for your student’s teacher or the lunch room.

Even consider doing some of your volunteering for the school by offering to pick-up and launder the cloths for them.

It is one small step you can take to help create a safe environment for you student and the entire school.

[shareable cite=”Jami Mark”]How neat would it be to have schools stop wasting SO MANY disinfectant wipes, which is literally money being thrown in the garbage.[/shareable]

Send your student to school with confidence, knowing their daily environment is a safe-haven!

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