Pet Perfect!

Norwex came out with some really good pet products in the Fall 2016 catalog.

In this month’s Pet Perfect! special, you can save money on the Pet Towel (with BacLock) and the popular Pet Mitt (with BacLock).

Norwex Pet Towel

Norwex Pet Towel

The super-absorbent Pet Towel makes bath time a breeze for your furry friends.

Plush, lightweight microfiber dries and warms your pet quickly to help prevent water from getting everywhere, while keeping them nice and cozy.

Norwex Pet Mitt

norwex pet mitt 2

Make bath time more convenient and enjoyable for you and your furry friends with the super-soft microfiber Pet Mitt.

Try the Pet Mitt to keep your pet close to you while your other hand is free to efficiently wash and dry them. It can be used damp or dry, and is perfect for removing excess fur.

Order The Pet Perfect! Norwex Special

norwex pet perfect

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Order Pet Perfect! for $48.97[/button]


Orders must be received in the Home Office from noon, CST, February 1 through noon, CST, March 1, 2017. Note: Products and colors in packages are predetermined and may vary based on inventory availability.

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