Magnetic Duo!

The Magnetic Duo is a microfiber special that you’ll love!

Norwex Magnetic EnviroCloth

magnetic norwex envriocloth

What could make the Norwex EnviroCloth even better?

How about a built-in magnet so you can hang it where you need it— on your refrigerator, oven or any metal surface.

The Norwex Magnetic EnviroCloth has a strong magnet that holds the cloth in place, and the super-absorbent BacLock Microfiber is great dry or wet for cleaning, wiping up spills and so much more.

Norwex Window Cloth

best norwex products norwex window cloth 305002-Window-Cloth

The Window Cloth gets windows and other glass and shiny surfaces clean and streak-free with just water.

No harmful chemicals are left behind to smear or distort light, and no paper towels are needed, which means less landfill waste and less paper dust in your home.


Order The Magnetic Duo! Special

norwex Magnetic Duo

[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Order The Magnetic Duo Special For Only $38.97[/button]


Orders must be received in the Home Office from noon, CST, February 1 through noon, CST, March 1, 2017. Note: Products and colors in packages are predetermined and may vary based on inventory availability.

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