Nobody likes cleaning toilets, but Norwex makes it easier with these products.
This special package includes the Norwex Ergonomic Toilet Brush and Holder, plus the Norwex Blue Diamond All-in-One Bathroom Cleaner.
Norwex Ergonomic Toilet Brush and Holder
Constructed of durable ThermoPlastic Rubber (TPR), with an antibacterial agent to help suppress the growth of bacteria and mold to protect the brush, the Norwex Ergonomic Toilet Brush thoroughly cleans the toilet bowl without scratching the surface.
The cylindrical-shaped head reaches into the trap, while the extension is specially designed for thorough cleaning under the rim.
The plastic handle has an ergonomically designed grip with a touch of rubber for a comfortable and easy hold.
The brush head is designed for use on both sides of the brush so you don’t need to flip it to complete your cleaning task.
After rinsing, store the Toilet Brush in its caddy, where it air dries quickly just above the caddy’s base.
Norwex Blue Diamond
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This highly concentrated formula safely cleans toilets, basins and most other hard bathroom surfaces without corrosive fumes, leaving them sparkling clean.
Deep penetration allows for effective cleaning and descaling in one application, with little to no scrubbing.
Order The Swirl and Sparkle Package Online
Reg. $50.98
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This special offer is only good for January 2017. Orders must be received from noon, CST, January 1 through noon, CST, February 1, 2017.
Note: Products and colors in packages are predetermined and may vary based on inventory availability.