Best Selling Norwex Products

best selling norwex products

With everything from cleaning to skincare, have you ever wondered which are the best selling Norwex products?

If you’re just getting started cleaning with Norwex products, or are just curious on which products are the most popular, this post is for you.

Top 10 Best Selling Norwex Products

  1. Laundry Detergent
  2. EnviroCloth
  3. WindowCloth
  4. Dusting Mitt
  5. Superior Mop Starter System (blue/green)
  6. Cleaning Paste
  7. Body Pack (graphite)
  8. Superior Mop Starter System (Nordic Naturals)
  9. Fluff and Tumble Dryer Balls
  10. Descaler

#1. Laundry Detergent

Laundry Detergent

Designed for both high-efficiency (HE) and conventional washing machines, this formula whitens whites, brightens brights and dissolves grease and grime.

Works in all water temperatures.

Washes up to 100 loads in a high-efficiency machine, 66 in a conventional machine.

Bonus: This is the only detergent that is safe to use on your other Norwex microfiber products.

#2. EnviroCloth

Clean more safely, quickly, and thoroughly using super-absorbent Norwex EnviroCloths.

You’ll save time, money and the environment using only water.

#3. Window Cloth

window cloth best selling norwex products

Have streak-free windows you can be proud of!

Using only water, you can use this microfiber Norwex Window Cloth (with BacLock technology) to clean your windows, mirrors, and shiny surfaces without any streaking!

#4. Dusting Mitt

graphite norwex dusting mitt

The Dusting Mitt can be used wet or dry and is ideal for quick, chemical-free dusting throughout the house.

With its thick texture; dense, plush fibers and unique mitt design, the Dusting Mitt attracts and holds dust and other dust-related allergens and won’t let them go.

#5. Superior Mop Starter System (blue/green)

superior_mop_collection blue green

Rather than coat your floors with even more chemicals, harness the power of static electricity and water to get them completely clean and chemical-free—and keep them cleaner, longer!

Bring out the natural beauty of your home using only water.

#6. Cleaning Paste (graphite)

Use it for a variety of stubborn cleaning jobs around the home.

Just a few dabs on an EnviroCloth® or SpiriSponge can tackle even the most challenging tasks.

#7. Body Pack (graphite)

Luxurious and lightweight, these microfiber cloths are extra gentle on even the most delicate skin.

They’re perfect for normal, dry or sensitive skin types and great for the face as well as the body.

#8. Superior Mop Starter System (Nordic Naturals)

nordic naturals best selling norwex products

The same great Norwex Mop System, but in new colors inspired by Norwegian living.

#9. Fluff and Tumble Dryer Balls

Fluff and Tumble Dryer Balls are a natural fabric softener you use in your dryer.

They bounce around to naturally separate and create space between your laundry, allowing the hot dryer air to circulate better and soften fabrics.

#10. Descaler

descaler best selling norwex product

Prevent lime and scale build-up and leave a clean residue-free surface.

Norwex’s Descaler consists of natural Glucuronic Acid to remove mineral deposits, dirt and soil.

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