The first time I head about the Norwex Enviro Cloth, it sounded way too good to be true.
Here’s how Norwex describes the Enviro Cloth:
[shareable cite=”Norwex”]Clean more safely, quickly and thoroughly using super-absorbent Norwex Enviro Cloths. You’ll save time, money and the environment using only water — reducing landfill waste, eliminating chemicals in waterways and protecting your family’s health as you cut down on dust and reduce chemicals in your home![/shareable]
Crazy right? The claim is either an out-right lie, or this is really one of the greatest products ever!
So I had to put it to the test.
What Does The Norwex Enviro Cloth Do?
The basic idea behind the Enviro Cloth is you can use it to clean just about anything.
Use It Dry To Dust
When the Enviro Cloths are dry they actually produce an electrostatic charge. This charge attracts the dust and dirt particles to the cloth and holds them there. The dust is trapped in the Norwex microfiber until you rinse the Enviro Cloth out.
Use It Wet To Clean
Just get the Norwex cloth damp with water (you can wring out any excess water), and wipe in even strokes. When one side of the cloth starts getting dirty, you can just flip it over and use the other side.
Since you are using just water to clean, the Enviro Cloth can be used on most surfaces.
How Is The Norwex Enviro Cloth Different From Other Cloths?
The key to the Enviro Cloths is the high grade microfiber.
The BacLock microfiber in the Enviro Cloths actually “lifts” what you are cleaning into the cloth and away from the surface, helping remove most all of the contaminates.

I will say that I’ve found this to be a great improvement over using cotton cloths and paper towels to clean, since they just spread everything around. It seems like you really are getting the particles and bacteria that you can’t see.
The Norwex Microfiber Difference
After really digging into this, it is true that the Norwex microfiber is a much higher grade than other microfiber cloths you may find on Amazon or at Walmart.
Each strand of Norwex microfiber is 1/200 the size of a single human hair. By comparison, the microfiber in most other cloths are around 1/6 the size of human hair.
Since they are able to get the microfiber strands so small, Norwex developed a unique “knitting” processes to bring these microfibers into the cloth. This process gives the Enviro Cloth more total cleaning surface area, and also lets it hold up to 7x it’s weight.
Inside of the Enviro Cloth is Norwex MicroSilver. This is a silver based antibacterial agent actually helps the Enviro Cloths clean themselves, inhibiting bacterial odor, mold, and/or mildew growth. This is not something you will find in any other microfiber cloth.
What’s Good About The Norwex Enviro Cloth?
It’s A Green Clean
I LOVE that I can clean using only water.
While I have always secretly loved the “clean smell” from traditional cleaning products, I was really worried about the effects they were having on everyone in the house.
I’ve always felt uneasy about using products with ingredients I couldn’t pronounce, or didn’t know what they were.
The Norwex Enviro Cloth definitely solves that problem.
I like that they’re also reusable, and can just be cleaned when they become dirty.
That way, I’m not throwing a bunch of things away that just adds to our ever growing landfills.
It Saves Money
After all, who doesn’t like to save money?
Cleaning products are expensive, and you always have to buy more.
Did you know that the average household in America uses 2 rolls of paper towels every week? That alone adds up to $156 a year (if you get the cheap ones!)
Since the Enviro Cloths are reusable, and last a long time, the savings can really add up quickly.
Less Cleaning
I’ll confess, I’m a bit of a “clean freak.” I like my house, and all of the surfaces to be really clean, which mean that I felt like I was cleaning all-the-time (especially with two little boys).
Using the Enviro Cloth, I’ve found that the Norwex microfiber really does a great job at “trapping” dust and crud inside the cloth. I only have to wipe over something once, and it’s pretty much clean.
So not only am I able to clean a bit faster, it also seems to leave surfaces cleaner, and I’ve found that I don’t have to clean quite as often.
It Feels Clean
It may be silly, but this is a big one for me.
Whenever I’ve cleaned with traditional cleaning products, I can always feel a residue. I hate that. It just felt like I replaced one layer of uncleanliness with another.
Since you only use water to clean with the Enviro Cloth, you don’t get any of that residue.
Super Absorbant
I have two little boys. We have LOTS of spills in our house. I have yet to find anything else that works better for cleaning up spills than my Norwex Enviro Cloth.
Works Great for Dusting
And I mean, it works GREAT for dusting!
This is because of the microfiber, the Enviro Cloth creates static electricity that “lifts” dust and dirt up into the cloth.
What’s Bad About The Norwex Enviro Cloth?
Nothing is life is perfect, and the same is true for the Norwex Enviro Cloth.
After several months of use, I began to detect a bit of a sour smell in the cloths. It wasn’t overwhelming by any means (I had to bring the cloth pretty close to my face to smell), but it was still there.
I later found out that one of the reason is that I boiled them too much (remember how I am a clean freak?). This is one of the ways Norwex recommends to clean an Enviro Cloth.
To make sure that my Enviro Cloths really stayed “clean,” I was washing them out in boiling water about once a week or so.
I’ve learned from experience that’s not the best way, and there’s really not a need to do it that often.
Now, when I need to clean my Enviro Cloths, I just put them in the washing machine, and clean them using the Norwex Laundry Detergent.
This seems to have solved the problem.
Who Is The Norwex Enviro Cloth Best For?
This really is a product that would come in handy for most people. My husband even loves them for cleaning the inside of his cars.
The people who I found really love and get the most out of their Enviro Cloths are:
People Who Don’t Want To Clean With Chemicals
Busy Moms
Families On A Budget
Where Can You Buy A Norwex Enviro Cloth?
If you would like to order a Norwex Enviro Cloth, you can do so here:
[button href=”″ primary=”true” centered=”true” newwindow=”true”]Order A Norwex Enviro Cloth for $16.99[/button]
The Norwex Enviro Cloths come in four different colors: Blue, Yellow, Green, and Red (classic).
Helpful Tip: Develop a color coded systems for cleaning with the Enviro Cloths. Use a different color cloth in each room, or a different color for specific cleaning tasks (i.e. counters, bathrooms, etc…).